2. Cells, Atoms and Molecules, Matter, Antimatter and the Subatomic Universe and more...
2. Cells, Atoms and Molecules, Matter, Antimatter and the Subatomic Universe and more...2. Cells, Atoms and Molecules, Matter, Antimatter and the Subatomic Universe and more...2. Cells, Atoms and Molecules, Matter, Antimatter and the Subatomic Universe and more...
2. Cells, Atoms and Molecules, Matter, Antimatter and the Subatomic Universe and more...
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10 Mins Reads - TCoG

Dear readers, here's the Part - 2 of the book The Concept of 'God'. A 20 page document that takes you through the book 10 minutes at a time!!!

Part - 2 contains the topics,

  • Cells
  • Atoms and Molecules
  • The Singularity and the Big Bang
  • Matter, Antimatter and the Subatomic Universe
  • The Diversity of Atoms

From Chapter 1.

The Concept of 'God' is a metaphysical treatise by Author Vinoth. It balances western sciences with eastern spiritual concepts to bring a fresh view of reality, life and ultimately, GOD!

The book has the following chapters in order

  • CHAPTER – 1 The ‘Science’ of Reality
  • CHAPTER – 2 The ‘Soul’ of Spirituality
  • CHAPTER – 3 Senses and Consciousness
  • CHAPTER – 4 Chaos and Order
  • CHAPTER – 5 Time
  • CHAPTER – 6 Energy
  • CHAPTER – 7 God

The Author has delved into the two great fields of knowledge, simplified them into layman terms and made it easy for everyone to understand many of the complexities in reality!

The book holds answers for all of us who are in an eternal search for meaning.

This 10 minutes read series is an initiative by the author to spread the message about the book to the eager audiences around the world. The series contains all the chapters and their topics explained in the book in an order.

This orderly series will give new readers a peek into the book and lay foundation for the more advanced explanations in later chapters.

Have a Happy reading!!!

Do share your views about the read, to the author @

Author Vinoth | Where Science Meets Spirituality

Part - 3 is available in the store!!! Download now!!

The Book is available in the following platforms,

NotionPress.com - https://authorvinoth.com/NotionPress

Kindle - https://authorvinoth.com/Kindle

Apple Books - https://authorvinoth.com/iBook

Google Books - https://authorvinoth.com/GoogleBooks

Kobo - https://authorvinoth.com/Kobo

Amazon (Paperback) - https://authorvinoth.com/Amazon

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